The Striso duet

The Striso duet is a very expressive music instrument which combines multidimensionally sensitive keys with an innovative note layout that helps understand the structures in music. The keys capture each subtle finger movement, which allows for levels of musical expression previously only known to acoustic instruments. Additionally, accents and sound effects can be added by shaking and moving the instrument as a whole. 

The Striso duet is an instrument based on the Striso board, inspired by concertina, bandoneon and accordion. It consists of a wooden body on which 2 Striso boards are mounted in a way that allows you to play Striso with both hands in a comfortable way. On your lap, or hung around your neck. The Striso duet can be used as a stand-alone instrument when a small speaker (for example the Minirig) is fitted inside the body, or connected to your favorite synth and speakers.


The duet came into being because a Hayden duet concertina player was looking for a new, lighter instrument to play. Since the Striso note layout is based on the Wicki/Hayden note layout it is a perfect base for such an instrument. The Striso boards are very flexible in their configuration: flipped or not, same or different octave. This allows for many creative possibilities.

Didie playing his Striso duet prototype

The Striso duet has both USB-B and USB-C connections. USB-B to have a sturdy connection for external synths. USB-C, the more common connection, for standalone use with a powerbank or iPhone for example. The Striso duet can be bought complete with Striso boards, as a fully assembled body, ready to mount your own Striso boards, or as a kit (with loose components that still need sanding and a finish). If you’d like to make a variation of the design, the design files are also available as open hardware.

Inside the Striso duet are two hubs, one for USB and one for audio. The USB hub has a USB-B and a USB-C port for data, with an automatic switch that uses the USB-B connection when that is connected, and otherwise switches the to the USB-C connection. Additionally there is a USB-C connection for additional power, so that if a mobile device is used for the synthesizer the power for the Striso boards can come from a powerbank.


The audio hub allows for a 6.35mm jack to connect to an amplifier or mixer, and a 3.5mm mini-jack to speaker or headphones. There are switches to allow for different setups. The 6.35mm jack can be switched between mono and stereo. The other switch gives the choice between putting the left and right Striso board on different channels, or mixing them together.

The design has some holes in the front panel for the sound to come out. Alternatively the front panel can be left off.


  • Dimensions: 20x20x21cm
  • Weight: 1300g
  • Audio output: 6.35mm (¼ inch) jack and 3.5mm jack 
  • Power/MIDI: USB-B port and USB-C port

If you have questions don’t hesitate to contact us!